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At 12:22 PM ,
Lexi612 said...
Lexi Mercier
I believe love can change everything because people do crazy things for love. Love also can alter someones opinion on things.
At 12:23 PM ,
John N said...
I partially agree with the statement "Love changes everything" I only partially agree because if your in love, then out of love, you will be hurt and that can change feelings about the other. I also disagree because if you stay in love, things don't really change because you know how you want to feel and will retain that feeling.
At 12:24 PM ,
C.P. said...
Cici Perez
I believe love changes everything because once you find love a lot of things don't seem to matter anymore. Like the petty people who attempt to make you feel bad, or the other bad things that you may come across. Nothing can put you down as easy as before and everything seems okay. It almost gives you a maturity to your life, adding context, warmness, and happiness.
At 12:25 PM ,
Katey said...
I don't believe that love changes EVERYTHING, but I do think it changes a lot. After you fall in love, you change all of your thinking and decisions, based around that person you love. In the things that don't really change, I think for the most part a person will keep their normal routine or activities that they enjoy and have done for a while. Love makes a big impact on your life, but I don't believe that it can change absolutely everything.
At 12:25 PM ,
Autumn S said...
it all depends on how your life is if love changes things. like a loving animal female or male will go and help a baby animal. mostly a female will do that. her mothering instiks will come and over look how much that animal doesn't like that kind of animal. if animals can do that then people can do that. love will change something in there life.
At 12:25 PM ,
JTJ10 said...
I believe that love can change everything because anyone would do crazy things for love. Also love can change opinions about certain things.
At 12:27 PM ,
Sam Crawford said...
Love can change everything because if you are truly in love then if something happens everything will change. Like if you are truly in love with someone and they get into a terrible accident or something and the person is then paralyzed then you are going to adapt. If you love the person you will adapt and still love her.
At 12:28 PM ,
baby_chick123 said...
Caitlin Hanson
I believe that love can change everything because people will do anything for love. some people will even die for the people that they love because of how much they care about them. Love is a very powerful thing that can cause big changes in peoples lives.
At 12:28 PM ,
KevinH said...
Love changes things very drastically, I have heard of a kid killing himself because a girl broke up with him. He did it over the phone when she was talking to him. I agree because people have done crazy things for love. It has changed thousands of lives.
At 12:28 PM ,
valgavi23 said...
Valentina Gatica
I do believe that love changes everything. One you fall in love all of you worries and surrounding just seem to disappear. Love can change your personality too, you can completely change your perspective in life when you fall in life.
At 12:29 PM ,
Moriah said...
Moriah Denler
English 9
I think love does change everything. For instance, Romeo and Juliet fell in love and the two houses were brought together from their love and deaths. When someone realizes they're in love it does change whether it be a little bit or a huge change. Some people become nervous, others want to tell the world, and still others want to lock themselves inside a cave and never leave so they won't be hurt. Love connects people with an invisible diamond rope that can't be penetrated even by the strongest body builder. Although people die their love is carried to Heaven with them. Love never ends. Once in love your life will change. Even relationships that have been broken off while you were in love will still flourish in your heart. Love is unforgettable. It's something that will change your life and there is nothing you can do about it. Love does create change.
At 12:29 PM ,
howdy95 said...
I believe love can change everything, but only in an opiniontive sort of way. It is a very powerful emotion, that can make one see something from someone elses shoes, because of their love for them. Love can not change things that are factual, and things that have already happened. The change of an opinion, can make something go a differnt way.
At 12:31 PM ,
alexy said...
i do not agree with this statement because love doesn't change everything it only changes emotions and feelings. Only you can change and love can't.
At 12:31 PM ,
Jalin 65 said...
I think that sometimes love can change anything. sometimes you think that when your in love u will do anything for that person and when your not in love u wont do anything for that person.
At 12:32 PM ,
Jenny L said...
I do think that love can change everything because people will do crazy things for love. People can also change their opinions on different matters because their significant other convinces them to. Also being in a loving relationship can change peoples outlook on life and how they act.
At 12:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I believe that love changes EVERYTHING. Yes it doesn't change at first but soon enough love changes everything. It changes you, when you change it starts the ripple affect. Love rearranges your view on so many things that also creates an affect to the world. Yes love changes everything and you cant do anything about it.
At 12:35 PM , said...
i think love can change a person because people do crazy things for love. it can be a a little change or even a big change. for example a change in someones personality or how they act around people when there with the person they love.
At 12:35 PM ,
Eacheann said...
i believe that love can change everything if the love is real.
At 12:38 PM ,
jfootball25 said...
i agree that love changes everything because people do crazy things for love. some people will even die for the people that they love because of how much they care about them.
At 12:38 PM ,
Zach said...
Zachary Lodge
I believe that love can change everything and cause people to do things that they would not normally do. Love can change peoples' lives and cause them to act very differently. Love gives people the willingness to give something up to make your loved one happy.
At 12:39 PM ,
Luke Marshall said...
Love does change everything, people will do crazy things for each other, they give up everything for that person.
At 12:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree that love changes everything. It changes your outlook and view on life, and it helps you to keep your perspective positive. Your attitude changes as well, making you possibly more pleasant to be around. Love is a feeling that will not go away easily, unless it is not true. It changes everything about your life, but also creates an effect on everyone around you. They know that you're happy, and they know that you're enjoying life.
At 12:41 PM ,
da-artistBS said...
Bailey Smith
I do not believe that love changes everything; however, love may change certain things such as feelings, opinions, and thoughts. When someone feels love or gives love, it makes them feel better. Giving love can make somebody feel great; most people who receive love tend to feel happy and warm inside. Love can also change opinions. If a man is sceptical about love, then receives it from a complete stranger, he will most likely change his mind.Lastly, love can change ones thoughts. If a person thinks that they are worthless and nothing, then receiving love can make think that they are worth it. Overall, love may not change everything, but it changes things like feelings, opinions, and thoughts.
At 12:43 PM ,
callien said...
Love changes many things about your life. It can ruin relationships, heal relationships and even make new relationships. Love changes many peoples lives. It gives them a reason to get through the day,it offers happiness and confidence that helps people live decent lives. "We are most alive when we are in love." -John Updike. Love is a strange thing that brings out different relationships for everyone. When your truly in love, you will have the craving to be with your mate all the time. People always get carried away while thinking that they are in love when they are really not. Love is often a once in a life oppertunity and should always be accepted. When you get the chance for love then you always need to collaborate on that and go for it.
At 12:44 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Love changes most things. When you really love someone you will do what ever you can for that person. You will change the things about that they don't like, you will also change everything to make the relationship work.
At 12:46 PM ,
Unknown said...
i think that love changes things for the better in a good way.
At 12:49 PM ,
Alex Y said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 12:53 PM ,
Allen said...
does love seem to change everything? i believe that this is a very broad question to be asking. what all are you asking? does love change the way people see others and how they act around them yes i think it does change them, it makes them have more feelings and show more affection toward the other and want to be not only them selves but be silly and just have a good time when there with the one they love. but can it change who they are? maybe in a way yes but deep down they will never change and will always be the same person, they may do things or not do things differently when they get with the ones they love or will do different actions and activities but i believe that no one will ever honestly change because of love.
At 12:58 PM ,
isaac3777ahsfootball said...
i think that some people can be changed by love but some times it is bad to be changed by love like the saying bros before h.... well i mean women
At 4:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Love does change everything. When you are really in love you will do everything you can for that person or faith, even change. You start seeing everything in a whole new light, everything important starts to matter more. A fire is lit beneath you and life is more passionate. You have more of a reason to not just live but live for something more...Love.
At 1:07 PM ,
clintronbot11 said...
i agree because its almost like having kids because they can change how you live like what job you have or what kind of house you have and love is the same way
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