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At 12:53 PM ,
Autumn S said...
Teenagers can truely be in love. Love is a complicated thing and you can't choose to be in love. Love finds you. So any time in your life you will fall in love.
At 12:54 PM ,
Luke Marshall said...
Teenagers can truly be on love. If they are mature enough. some teens think they are but they aren't and others are for reals.
At 12:54 PM ,
John N said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 12:56 PM ,
Jenny L said...
Yes, some teenagers can truly be in love. Most teenagers aren't cable of feeling love at such a young age but their are the select few that are mature enough to understand true love.
At 12:56 PM ,
alexy said...
Teenagers can truly be in love because they are younger versions of adults. They have the same feelings and emotions of an adult and can even be stronger. Anyone one with emotions and a brain can feel true love.
At 12:57 PM , said...
teens can be in love but not when they are like 15, more like 17 or 18 when they have grown up
At 12:57 PM ,
baby_chick123 said...
Caitlin Hanson
Mrs Davis
I think teenagers can truly be in love. You cant choose when and with whom you will fall in love with. Love is complicated and unexpected towards anybody and anyone can fall in love. It doesn't matter how old you are, love exists at all ages.
At 12:57 PM ,
Katey said...
teenagers can be in love, anyone can. They might not be as experienced in what love is like but they can be in love.
At 12:57 PM ,
callien said...
There is no age to love. You just have to find the right person. some people find it young and some people find love when there older.
At 12:58 PM ,
Alex Y said...
Teenagers can be in love because they have the same feelings as other people do.
At 12:58 PM ,
howdy95 said...
I think two teenagers can be in love, I mean anythings possible, but I think there is a very slim chance of it being real true love between two people.
At 12:58 PM ,
John N said...
Teenagers can be in love as easy as anybody else. There is no age limit on love, nor is there a universal rule that a teenager can't find the person they want to spend their live with.
At 12:59 PM ,
Zach said...
I think that teenagers can be in love, because you can not control when and where you will meet someone that you love. Teenagers may be to young to get married, but they can still fall in love.
At 12:59 PM ,
da-artistBS said...
Teenagers can be in love, but they have to be mature individuals. They must base their love on devotion and caring, not lust and peer pressure.
At 1:00 PM ,
Lexi612 said...
Lexi Mercier
I don't think teenagers can truly be in love because they haven't been around very long and i think this is why most people wait till they're older to get married. People change through their teenage years and don't find out who they are until they've gone through a lot of life experiences.
At 1:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Teens can be in love if they are willing to truly love.Love is willing to lose everything for that person or thing, willing to change, giving grace to that person, and willing to commit to them. This is why teenage love usually doesn't work because teens don't want to give up everything and change for another person. Most teens are selfish and like their lives and don't want someone else to change that.
At 1:05 PM ,
Moriah said...
Moriah Denler
English 9
I think anyone can be in love. Anyone who had opinions and has feelings can be in love. Anything is possible. My neighbors went to school together their entire lives and now they're married! Love can start at practically any age. Love is a complex thing and you never know when it's going to hit you in the face.
At 1:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Teenagers can be in love, but rarely things do work out. Young love can be real, but short. They are still young and inexperienced; don't know the true meaning of love.
At 3:05 PM ,
valgavi23 said...
Teenagers can be in love. It's something special and can happen to anyone at any age. Some people fall in love as teenagers and can become married later in life. It can happen to anyone at any time.
At 4:15 PM ,
Allen said...
yes, i believe that teenagers can fall in love. theres no age limit on love just like hate anyone can feel that way about another. love although is a very stong and meaningful feeling, many dont really understand what love is or what to do with it when they have found it. plenty of teenagers date and think they love others but there always breaking up with ones they said they supposevly loved. some people will be together for two weeks and say they love each other but how do they really know they do? only few teenagers i believe truly know what love is, what it feels like and how to use it but most of the kids these days are ignorant and have yet to learn what it's truly like to fall in love with someone, care for them, be able to have fun and be silly with need to learn how to trust each other and have the ability to talk with one another when problems get in the way and be able to stay with each other no matter how big of a fight or arguement you two shall have. when you love some one there happiness is segnificant to your own. I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
At 6:25 PM ,
Jalin 65 said...
I think that sometimes when a teenager says they love someone they don’t relies what they are saying. I think only the ones that truly do love someone can love but i think most times teen love is fake
At 7:14 PM ,
mitch w said...
teens can never be in love because they have awkward hormones and are not developed enough to know who they want to be with for the rest of their life.
At 7:14 PM ,
mitch w said...
teens can never be in love because they have awkward hormones and are not developed enough to know who they want to be with for the rest of their life.
At 12:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree with Luke teens can truly love but they have to be mature enough to love. Teens have to be mature to love because truly loving someone is not just loving their looks but their hearts.
At 12:27 PM ,
da-artistBS said...
I respectively disagree with Lexi. Sure, teenagers haven't been around for a while, but they are capable of giving and receiving love.
You made a good point though!! Great job!
At 12:27 PM ,
isaac3777ahsfootball said...
isaac i think that teens can be in love but it is very rare that it is true love becaues in high school love is just a status and not real
At 12:27 PM ,
valgavi23 said...
I agree with Zach that teenagers can be in love and there is no way to control feeling for somebody else. Teenagers are to young to get married at the moment but they can always fall more in love and end up marrying each other a little later then life.
At 12:28 PM ,
Jenny L said...
I agree with Callie because she states the exact feelings I have towards love, there is no age limit.
I disagree with Mitch because not every teenager is the same, some are mature enough to truly be in love.
At 12:28 PM ,
KevinH said...
Teenagers can't ever be in love because there always fighting and can never trust eachother.
At 12:28 PM ,
alexy said...
I disagree with "ravinous pear" because hormones are scientifically proven to give teens more emotions including love.
At 12:28 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree wtih Valentina because two people can fall in love at any point in their life, and be happy forever.
At 12:29 PM ,
Sam Crawford said...
Jalin I agree with you because kids do not know what they are saying they just spontaneously saying they love each other.
Zach I disagree because Teens cannot be in love because they are yo young and do ot know what they are doing.
At 12:29 PM ,
baby_chick123 said...
Caitlin Hanson
Mrs. Davis
I disagree with your statement that teenagers can never be in love because they can! It doesn't matter if you are 16 or 60 love can appear at all ages. You cant help when or whom you will fall in love with.
At 12:29 PM ,
mitch w said...
i dissagree with autumn because teens are not developed enough to reed their emotions and know if their in love
At 12:30 PM ,
alexy said...
I agree with Bailey because teenagers are young adults they are mature and can love like any person
At 12:31 PM ,
howdy95 said...
Lexi612, /Why do you think this?Expeirence is great to be sure about differnt, but sometimes you have to jump in head first. when you first know your your parents, or mabey a new sibling, you love them immedaitly, why can't they same concept be applied here?
At 12:32 PM ,
valgavi23 said...
I disagree with Lexi because i don't think it really matters what age or how long they've been around to really be in love. Even though people do change during the teenage years but they won't change that much for the most part they will probably have the same personality. Also you can be young and get married if you truly think the person your with is the one.
At 12:32 PM ,
Katey said...
I disagree with Lexi612 because anyone can be in love if they think they are. I don't think it matters how long you've been around, it just matters if you've met the right person to fall in love with.
At 12:32 PM ,
baby_chick123 said...
Caitlin Hanson
Mrs. Davis
Wow! I really like what you said. I totally agree with you that love can happen during your teen years.
At 12:32 PM , said...
i agree with Luke because teenagers need to mature enough to be in love and to know what live is
At 12:32 PM ,
Luke Marshall said...
I disagree with Mitch, teenagers can be love if they are mature enough
At 12:33 PM ,
KevinH said...
Bear: i agree with you, teenagers can't be in love because they are not ready.
At 12:33 PM ,
tyler shockey said...
i disagree with savannah. teens can not fall in love now a days. to teens all dating is, is a chance to brag about who they are dating. i also think that when you find love, it cant be a short thing. true love lasts forever.
At 12:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I disagree with Moriah not anyone can love because when people are younger their love is mainly based on looks. But that is a really amazing story!!
At 12:33 PM ,
JTJ10 said...
I agree with Allen because i also think teenagers can fall in love.
I disagree with Lexi because I think teens can fall in love but she doesn't.
At 12:34 PM ,
Allen said...
mitch i disagree because people will always have crazy hormones after a teen only the hormones calm down after the teen years
At 12:35 PM ,
Unknown said...
i think they can be in love if they really do care about eachother
At 12:35 PM ,
Zach said...
I disagree with you because teens can love people whether they are family or friends. Teens may however not be mature enough to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with, but they can still love. I think that teens can be more focused on finding someone with good looks than finding someone that they love.
At 12:36 PM ,
Lexi612 said...
I agree with luke when he says when they are mature enough, teenagers can be in love but some teenagers aren't mature enough and don't really know what love is.
At 12:36 PM ,
Eacheann said...
I believe that to truly love someone with all your heart, and if you believe in love enough, true love could be accomplished by anyone of any age group. It doesn't matter if you are a teen or not. Love has no limits. And if love doesn't, nor does true love.
At 12:36 PM ,
KevinH said...
savannah: i disagree with you teenagers can't be in love because they can never trust.
At 12:37 PM ,
John N said...
I agree with jrlval2 about how they can be in love but it usually wont happen until they can be more mature.
At 12:37 PM , said...
John, i disagree because when they are young they don't know how love really feels
At 12:37 PM ,
callien said...
Teenagers can fall in love. Age doesn't determine the quality of relationships, the people in them do.
At 12:38 PM ,
Unknown said...
kevin i do not agree with you.
At 12:38 PM ,
tyler shockey said...
i agree with luke. maturity is a big part of love. but look at forest gump, he was a little immature but he loved a girl.
At 12:38 PM ,
Luke Marshall said...
I agree with Zach, teens can fall in love love can exist at any time
At 12:40 PM ,
Jalin 65 said...
John N i disagree with you because teens are stupid and through the word love around like it mans nothing.
I agree with Kevan because its true teens cant trust each other there always doing something behind each others back.
At 12:41 PM ,
Zach said...
I agree with you, because I think that anyone can fall in love at any time, no matter of age. I think that most teens are not mature enough to know who they want to spend the rest of their lives with.
At 12:42 PM ,
isaac3777ahsfootball said...
i disagree with mrlval2 most teens are not mature. and they cant tell when there first in love because its the first time
At 12:43 PM ,
Eacheann said...
It doesn't matter if you are a teen if you love someone. Love isn't based on maturity. It is based on the true feeling that you have with another person. Maturity has no say.
At 12:43 PM ,
John N said...
I disagree with Isaac in that some teens can find true love. I agree that for some its just a status, but for others it is the real thing.
At 12:48 PM ,
Lexi612 said...
I disagree with AlexLY because teenagers aren't just like adults. They are younger and might not have had as many life experiences as an adult would. Also a lot of teenagers change once they are adults.
At 4:21 PM ,
C.P. said...
Cici P.
I think teens are suited for love as much as adults are, if they truly feel ready to. I've seen it happen before, and it is a truly beautiful occurance.
At 4:27 PM ,
C.P. said...
I conpletly agree with your belief and compassion in this topic. I can tell you feel very strongly about this subject. =]
At 12:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I do believe that teenagers can be in love. Just because they are labeled as teens and how that they don't know what love is or what it takes. They can have gone through enough trails to be mentally or emotionally grown up to feel and express and experience begin in love. So yes I do believe they can truly be in love.
At 12:35 PM ,
jfootball25 said...
I think that sometimes when a teenager says they love someone they don’t relies what they are saying. I think only the ones that truly do love someone can love but i think most times teen love is fake
At 12:36 PM ,
jfootball25 said...
John N i disagree with you because teens are stupid and through the word love around like it mans nothing.
I agree with Kevan because its true teens cant trust each other there always doing something behind each others back.
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