Can teenagers be more MATURE and empathetic of others? OR are teenagers more prone to being "clique-y" and judgmental? Think about Esther's treatment of Leanora.
Well with teenagers being more mature or more clique. I believe that it all depends on the person. Everyone is different. Some people can be way more mature then others and other people stay with in there clique; afraid about what there friends will think if they find them talking to someone they don't like. So i just think it all depends on the person.
i believe that teenagers can easily be more mature than adults about there thoughts and actions. many adults are aloud to drink alcohal and because of this many do and they will keep drinking until they are hammered. from that point they will do things like driving and going into public which is dangerous. adults have so much more freedom than kids do so they do many bad things that are bad with the law or morally wrong. teenagers on the other hand can be bad and get in trouble to with things like alcohal and drugs but it is much harder for us to get our hands on it so it doesnt occur as much.
I definitely think that adults are more sympathetic then teenagers are. Teenagers always have a tendency to just judge right away based on how a person looks, dresses or talks. Adults usually will not just automatically judge someone based on those things, they usually tend to try to dee into the person instead of just making a assumption right then and there. Adults are also more mature then teenagers in the way that they are just adults, they usually keep their composure better then teenagers. Adults have also lived on the world longer then we have so they are more experienced then us. The adults almost have to be mature because if we were more mature we would be controlling them and then not telling us what to do.
I think that you can't stereotype someone based on their age. Adults can be just as judgmental and critical as some of my peers while others can be sympathetic to anyone in any situation. Esther was very kind to Leanora, but some of the other children like Willie Pettibone were extremely cruel to Leanora. As an adult Sara Chickering was very kind to Leanora. You can't decide if someone is emphatic based on how old they are, it differs person to person.
I think that neither parents or teenagers are better than the other because they both have their faults. Although teenagers are more open to knew things sometimes morally things can get rough. Adults may have exactly what they want imprinted on their minds and won't change their minds, but they aren't as open minded as teenagers. A teenager's opinion can be swayed easily but an adult's is as hard as opening a clam with your bare hands before it's been cooked. Teenagers can be put in a room with just one other person and will come up with something fun to do as an adult would probably just talk to the person they're with. Both teenagers and adults have their strengths and faults but neither is better than the other.
Adults are definitely more mature than teenagers because they have had a chance to grow up and learn how to be mature where teens are still trying to figure out what to do in life
Teenagers can sometimes be more mature then adults by standing up for others and making the right choices in tough situation. Although adults have already proven that they can do this, most people don't think about adults being mature. They only look at the current generation that is proving that they are the mature ones of the current age.
I can go both ways on this, I think teenagers are more judgmental about certain things rather than adults, but also I think they understand some of the tough things other teenagers have to go through. There could be a parental issue that another teenager could have, parents don't understand this and how it can really hurt their child, but another teenager that has been through it before can help them understand that it could be okay. But also teenagers are much more judgmental on what people wear and who they hang out with rather than adults.
I think it can go either way but teenagers definitely very "clique-y" and one sided. Usually when teenagers these days are told something they stick to that something and it's hard to change their mind about it. At school there are a huge variety of cliques. In every clique they are a lot alike and its hard to change their mind about things. Teenagers are very clique-y and its hard to change their thinking
Teenagers are a lot of the time act Mature, but are really not. In fact they can be harsher in the way that they judge others. When Esther got out the nicest blanket for Leanora, that showed that she didn't notice a color, but a person that needed help. Esther is not a teenager, her mind is simple, and she doesn't judge others. Also teenagers have a lot to learn before they become adults.
Teenagers can be more empathetic than adults because they look at things in different ways than adults do. I think that teenagers are more empathetic towards adults, but to other teenagers, they aren't. For adults, I think they have less empathy for teens, and more for adults. Adults don't really fully understand what we go through, as in, how much work we do have to do, or what we are exposed to as well in the world. There is a commercial about an energy drink that makes me mad because it talks about how teens don't even know what work is. Teens work just as much as adults, but in different ways. School has changed, and they don't realize that. Adults need to give teens more credit, in my opinion.
What makes adults better than teens? Adults are just older versions of teens. People can't judge someone just by their age or grade. That is stereotypically of adults to do so...calling themselves superior just because the are older in age. Just because an adult is older in age doesn't mean that they are better at judgment or choices. It's not fair to teens if adults judge them. But, it is not fair to adults if we judge them either or we'd be hypocrites.
Teenagers...Better than Adults? Can teenagers be more MATURE and empathetic of others? OR are teenagers more prone to being "clique-y" and judgmental? Think about Esther's treatment of Leanora Kaley Smith When is comes to being empathetic I feel that adults are more empathetic because they are more understanding and have more experience. Adults have lived more and seen more so they see they harsh reality in life. When it comes to being judgmental I feel that both teens and adults are very judgmental but adults show their disapproval in a more extreme manner. In witness if adult were racist they joined the KKK and killed people but teens just picked on blacks and hurt their hearts more than their bodies.
Bailey Smith period 6 2/18/10 In Witness by Karen Hesse, the novel that we are currently reading, the two main characters, Leanora and Esther, seem more mature than the adult characters the share the book with. However, in today's modernized world, I believe that adults are more mature than teenagers. Based on experience, I know that teenagers are not very mature. They discriminate, not against certain races, but against physical traits, social traits, and economic traits.[Most] Adults, on the other hand, have to learn to be accepting of others if they want to be successful; a prejudice adult cannot possibly learn to make money if they can't work with different people. Also, teenagers are more mentally unstable and sometimes, don't have very much empathy. In the persuasive paper I am writing, I had to research many unstable juveniles who chose to commit heinous crimes. Adults also commit these crimes, but they tend to show more remorse and sympathy for their crimes.
I think that many teenagers are, as you say, clique-y and judgemental. No teenager wants to be the one that is different. They don't want their opinions to show if it is different from everyone else. So if the majority of teenagers disagree or dislike one particular subject, others who don't believe the same thing join in, only so they won't be persecuted and judged by the majority. Mostly due to fear. This is only my opinion, though.-- Eacheann
I believe that teenagers can be both more and less empathetic or mature. We tend to have cliques and care a lot about popularity. Adults tend to care less about popularity and have few cliques. Adults can however be less mature based on the individuals of comparison. In witness the only person that didn't care that Leanora was black is Esther. This proves that teens can be more mature and empathetic. It is easier to have empathy for someone that is in a similar situation to you, and this is the case between Leanora and Esther. Adults can be very empathetic too, like Sara Chickering in Witnesss that let both of these girls eat and sleep at her house. All this just depends on the individuals.
Caitlin Hanson Mrs. Davis Hour-6 I agree with both. Teenagers can either be very mature or they can be clique-y and judgmental to their peers. I would have to saw that at school is where most of the judgments and cliques are found. teenagers tend to break up into their own little group of friends whether they are cheerleaders, emo kids, band people...etc. Teenagers are also mature in some ways because they are now starting to have to think about their futures and how their decisions in their teenage years can effect how their futures will turn out.
Teenagers are certainly the age when people are most judgmental. People are judgemental because as a teenager you have only what you are taught when you are little and the small life time experience that you have so far. Teenagers tend to be way more judgemental becaus eeveryone wants to fit in and be a decent part of a broad society, in order to to this it is important to fit in and do what is asked and whats important.
I don't believe that you can choose if a teenager or and adult is more mature. It really depends on the person some adults like to be more outgoing and "immature" sometimes, while others are very serious. While teenagers are still growing up and like to have fun they easily sway into other ideas and it's a little harder to make tough decisions. They can still be very responsible and mature, maybe even more than adults. I don't think anybody can really say one is more mature than the other cause everybody is different and everyone has a different personality.
I think a small percentage of teenagers can be more mature than adults but most of ous just want to be kids for a little bit longer. You only get to be a kid once so why grow up faster than you have to. Most teenagers when they try to make the right decision to be more mature they are forced to make a bad one by there friends. You would think most adults would make good decisions but think of how many of them are in prison systems and kill because of the wrong action.
I think that it would depend on the adult or teenager. Because everyone is different and therefore have different perspectives, its hard to tell which is more mature. Adults don't always understand what we go through, and how they always have to go to work and how much they have to do, nor do they give us empathy for what we have to go through. So Im in the middle and could argue either side.
Lexi Mercier per6 When it comes to adults and teens being mature I think it may very. I believe teens are more mature and not judgemental when it comes to another teenager because they can relate to them and would be able to see beyond the surface. But adults are more mature when it comes to responsibility and how to treat people.
In today's world, I think that adults are more mature than teenagers. Sure, there are some teenagers who are mature and responsible, but most are irresponsible and immature. More and more teenagers are being influenced by drugs and bad behavior. Adults are the only ones who have the authority to attempt to keep teenagers in line and thinking straight.
I think i depends because girls seem to be more mature they care more about people, like about other peoples feeling. But adults are more mature then teens when it comes to bullying, adults don't do that so i depends on the situation.
i think that teens can be more mature than adults in many different ways and how they handle things, adults seem to over react alot when i think teens are more under standing. but i think it depends on the situation.
At 12:38 PM ,
mitch w said...
i think a child voice is very powerful. i think when an adult hears a child making a good choice it causes them to want to do the right thing too.
At 12:39 PM ,
Autumn S said...
Well with teenagers being more mature or more clique. I believe that it all depends on the person. Everyone is different. Some people can be way more mature then others and other people stay with in there clique; afraid about what there friends will think if they find them talking to someone they don't like. So i just think it all depends on the person.
At 12:39 PM ,
Allen said...
i believe that teenagers can easily be more mature than adults about there thoughts and actions. many adults are aloud to drink alcohal and because of this many do and they will keep drinking until they are hammered. from that point they will do things like driving and going into public which is dangerous. adults have so much more freedom than kids do so they do many bad things that are bad with the law or morally wrong. teenagers on the other hand can be bad and get in trouble to with things like alcohal and drugs but it is much harder for us to get our hands on it so it doesnt occur as much.
At 12:40 PM ,
Sam Crawford said...
I definitely think that adults are more sympathetic then teenagers are. Teenagers always have a tendency to just judge right away based on how a person looks, dresses or talks. Adults usually will not just automatically judge someone based on those things, they usually tend to try to dee into the person instead of just making a assumption right then and there. Adults are also more mature then teenagers in the way that they are just adults, they usually keep their composure better then teenagers. Adults have also lived on the world longer then we have so they are more experienced then us. The adults almost have to be mature because if we were more mature we would be controlling them and then not telling us what to do.
At 12:42 PM ,
Jenny L said...
I think that you can't stereotype someone based on their age. Adults can be just as judgmental and critical as some of my peers while others can be sympathetic to anyone in any situation. Esther was very kind to Leanora, but some of the other children like Willie Pettibone were extremely cruel to Leanora. As an adult Sara Chickering was very kind to Leanora. You can't decide if someone is emphatic based on how old they are, it differs person to person.
At 12:43 PM ,
Moriah said...
Moriah Denler
English 9
I think that neither parents or teenagers are better than the other because they both have their faults. Although teenagers are more open to knew things sometimes morally things can get rough. Adults may have exactly what they want imprinted on their minds and won't change their minds, but they aren't as open minded as teenagers. A teenager's opinion can be swayed easily but an adult's is as hard as opening a clam with your bare hands before it's been cooked. Teenagers can be put in a room with just one other person and will come up with something fun to do as an adult would probably just talk to the person they're with. Both teenagers and adults have their strengths and faults but neither is better than the other.
At 12:43 PM , said...
Adults are definitely more mature than teenagers because they have had a chance to grow up and learn how to be mature where teens are still trying to figure out what to do in life
At 12:44 PM ,
JTJ10 said...
Teenagers can sometimes be more mature then adults by standing up for others and making the right choices in tough situation. Although adults have already proven that they can do this, most people don't think about adults being mature. They only look at the current generation that is proving that they are the mature ones of the current age.
At 12:44 PM ,
Alex Y said...
I can go both ways on this, I think teenagers are more judgmental about certain things rather than adults, but also I think they understand some of the tough things other teenagers have to go through. There could be a parental issue that another teenager could have, parents don't understand this and how it can really hurt their child, but another teenager that has been through it before can help them understand that it could be okay. But also teenagers are much more judgmental on what people wear and who they hang out with rather than adults.
At 12:45 PM ,
Luke Marshall said...
I think it can go either way but teenagers definitely very "clique-y" and one sided. Usually when teenagers these days are told something they stick to that something and it's hard to change their mind about it. At school there are a huge variety of cliques. In every clique they are a lot alike and its hard to change their mind about things. Teenagers are very clique-y and its hard to change their thinking
At 12:45 PM ,
howdy95 said...
Teenagers are a lot of the time act Mature, but are really not. In fact they can be harsher in the way that they judge others. When Esther got out the nicest blanket for Leanora, that showed that she didn't notice a color, but a person that needed help. Esther is not a teenager, her mind is simple, and she doesn't judge others. Also teenagers have a lot to learn before they become adults.
At 12:45 PM ,
Katey said...
Teenagers can be more empathetic than adults because they look at things in different ways than adults do. I think that teenagers are more empathetic towards adults, but to other teenagers, they aren't. For adults, I think they have less empathy for teens, and more for adults. Adults don't really fully understand what we go through, as in, how much work we do have to do, or what we are exposed to as well in the world. There is a commercial about an energy drink that makes me mad because it talks about how teens don't even know what work is. Teens work just as much as adults, but in different ways. School has changed, and they don't realize that. Adults need to give teens more credit, in my opinion.
At 12:47 PM ,
alexy said...
What makes adults better than teens? Adults are just older versions of teens. People can't judge someone just by their age or grade. That is stereotypically of adults to do so...calling themselves superior just because the are older in age. Just because an adult is older in age doesn't mean that they are better at judgment or choices. It's not fair to teens if adults judge them. But, it is not fair to adults if we judge them either or we'd be hypocrites.
At 12:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Teenagers...Better than Adults?
Can teenagers be more MATURE and empathetic of others? OR are teenagers more prone to being "clique-y" and judgmental? Think about Esther's treatment of Leanora
Kaley Smith
When is comes to being empathetic I feel that adults are more empathetic because they are more understanding and have more experience. Adults have lived more and seen more so they see they harsh reality in life. When it comes to being judgmental I feel that both teens and adults are very judgmental but adults show their disapproval in a more extreme manner. In witness if adult were racist they joined the KKK and killed people but teens just picked on blacks and hurt their hearts more than their bodies.
At 12:48 PM ,
da-artistBS said...
Bailey Smith
period 6
In Witness by Karen Hesse, the novel that we are currently reading, the two main characters, Leanora and Esther, seem more mature than the adult characters the share the book with. However, in today's modernized world, I believe that adults are more mature than teenagers. Based on experience, I know that teenagers are not very mature. They discriminate, not against certain races, but against physical traits, social traits, and economic traits.[Most] Adults, on the other hand, have to learn to be accepting of others if they want to be successful; a prejudice adult cannot possibly learn to make money if they can't work with different people. Also, teenagers are more mentally unstable and sometimes, don't have very much empathy. In the persuasive paper I am writing, I had to research many unstable juveniles who chose to commit heinous crimes. Adults also commit these crimes, but they tend to show more remorse and sympathy for their crimes.
At 12:49 PM ,
Davis said...
I think that many teenagers are, as you say, clique-y and judgemental. No teenager wants to be the one that is different. They don't want their opinions to show if it is different from everyone else. So if the majority of teenagers disagree or dislike one particular subject, others who don't believe the same thing join in, only so they won't be persecuted and judged by the majority. Mostly due to fear. This is only my opinion, though.--
At 12:49 PM ,
Zach said...
I believe that teenagers can be both more and less empathetic or mature. We tend to have cliques and care a lot about popularity. Adults tend to care less about popularity and have few cliques. Adults can however be less mature based on the individuals of comparison. In witness the only person that didn't care that Leanora was black is Esther. This proves that teens can be more mature and empathetic. It is easier to have empathy for someone that is in a similar situation to you, and this is the case between Leanora and Esther. Adults can be very empathetic too, like Sara Chickering in Witnesss that let both of these girls eat and sleep at her house. All this just depends on the individuals.
At 12:49 PM ,
baby_chick123 said...
Caitlin Hanson
Mrs. Davis
I agree with both. Teenagers can either be very mature or they can be clique-y and judgmental to their peers. I would have to saw that at school is where most of the judgments and cliques are found. teenagers tend to break up into their own little group of friends whether they are cheerleaders, emo kids, band people...etc. Teenagers are also mature in some ways because they are now starting to have to think about their futures and how their decisions in their teenage years can effect how their futures will turn out.
At 12:49 PM ,
callien said...
Teenagers are certainly the age when people are most judgmental. People are judgemental because as a teenager you have only what you are taught when you are little and the small life time experience that you have so far. Teenagers tend to be way more judgemental becaus eeveryone wants to fit in and be a decent part of a broad society, in order to to this it is important to fit in and do what is asked and whats important.
At 12:51 PM ,
valgavi23 said...
I don't believe that you can choose if a teenager or and adult is more mature. It really depends on the person some adults like to be more outgoing and "immature" sometimes, while others are very serious. While teenagers are still growing up and like to have fun they easily sway into other ideas and it's a little harder to make tough decisions. They can still be very responsible and mature, maybe even more than adults. I don't think anybody can really say one is more mature than the other cause everybody is different and everyone has a different personality.
At 12:51 PM ,
Prettynpink62091 said...
Teenagers and adults are even to me. Adults have had experience, but teenagers are living it and its a new time.
At 12:52 PM ,
KevinH said...
I think a small percentage of teenagers can be more mature than adults but most of ous just want to be kids for a little bit longer. You only get to be a kid once so why grow up faster than you have to. Most teenagers when they try to make the right decision to be more mature they are forced to make a bad one by there friends. You would think most adults would make good decisions but think of how many of them are in prison systems and kill because of the wrong action.
At 12:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think that it would depend on the adult or teenager. Because everyone is different and therefore have different perspectives, its hard to tell which is more mature. Adults don't always understand what we go through, and how they always have to go to work and how much they have to do, nor do they give us empathy for what we have to go through. So Im in the middle and could argue either side.
At 12:54 PM ,
Lexi612 said...
Lexi Mercier per6
When it comes to adults and teens being mature I think it may very. I believe teens are more mature and not judgemental when it comes to another teenager because they can relate to them and would be able to see beyond the surface. But adults are more mature when it comes to responsibility and how to treat people.
At 12:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
In today's world, I think that adults are more mature than teenagers. Sure, there are some teenagers who are mature and responsible, but most are irresponsible and immature. More and more teenagers are being influenced by drugs and bad behavior. Adults are the only ones who have the authority to attempt to keep teenagers in line and thinking straight.
At 12:54 PM ,
Jalin 65 said...
I think i depends because girls seem to be more mature they care more about people, like about other peoples feeling. But adults are more mature then teens when it comes to bullying, adults don't do that so i depends on the situation.
At 12:56 PM ,
sarah said...
i think that teens can be more mature than adults in many different ways and how they handle things, adults seem to over react alot when i think teens are more under standing. but i think it depends on the situation.
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